1  How many sub DS-1004KI keyboards can I connect in cascade mode ?
The DS-1004KI supports upto 16 sub keyboards connected to the master unit.
2  What connections do I use when connecting a sub DS-1004KI to the master keyboard under DVR control mode ?
For communication a two core cable needs to be connected between the two units , from the master unit connect the two connections to RA and RB of the AUX2 output. On the sub unit connect RA to TA of CON1 and RB to TB of CON1 on the rear of the sub keyboard.
3  Can my Recorder support a DS-1006KI Keyboard?
It depends on the model of your Recorder. It needs to have a KB socket for it to accept an RS485 Keyboard Connection. This can be found at the back of the unit, typically adjacent to the Alarm Input connections.